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29 - Pause and Reflect: Your Autumn Checklist

health reflection wellbeing Oct 20, 2024

Have you checked in with yourself lately? After a full summer, and as we head towards the end of the year it is easy to get the feeling of overwhelm and burnout. Nobody wants this! But the onus is on you to ensure that you are checking in with yourself, recognising how you feel and to take action against it.

My year has been full of new things, stepping out of my comfort zone, taking on different experiences whilst trying to balance family time, me time, health and hobbies. My mind is constantly thinking of new ideas, concepts, work, blog posts etc., that for me it is important to create the time to intentionally slow down and reflect.

Autumn brings cooler days and a slower pace. It is the perfect season to take stock of the progress you have made and rebalance both body and mind for the year end.

Today I want to share a simple checklist of things you can do this autumn:

  • Mindful Reflection:Spend time journaling or meditating to reflect on your achievements so far this year. Have you made progress where you wanted to? Is there something more you want to achieve before the year is out? Reflect on what has worked and what hasn’t in your career or business, and personal life. Now is the perfect time to set intentions for the remainder of the year, maybe to slow down, or get that last thing over the line.
  • Nature:Take advantage of the cooler weather by being in nature. The changing scenery can provide a calming effect, while fresh air and physical activity are great for your health. I love this season, I find that things change at pace as mother nature gets ready for hibernation and regeneration. You can too. Spending time on mindful activities will help you rest and recharge. It may also help you to find clarity on your bigger life goals and how you might go about achieving them.
  • Seasonal Eating:This time of year, brings an abundance of healthy seasonal produce, that you can incorporate into your diet for a healthy end to the year. Try foods such as squash, pumpkins, and root vegetables that provide nutrients, fibre and healthy carbohydrates to fuel your mind and body. These foods are nourishing and can help strengthen your immune system. Not all wellness routines need to start in January! Is there one change you can make today that can help you to end the year feeling great? Replace that chocolate bar with a piece of fruit, drink a glass of water before alcohol?
  • Establish a Routine:As the days get shorter, creating a consistent routine for sleep and work can help maintain balance and reduce stress. When can you schedule some journalling time? When can you walk or exercise? When do you switch off for work each day? Being intentional as the days shorten help to ensure you can continue to prioritise time for you.
  • Declutter: At this time of year, I love to take stock on my personal space after the summer flurry of activity. Take some time to declutter your physical space, donate unnecessary things and tidy messy corners and cables away. A tidy environment can promote a peaceful mind and help you feel more organised, I love spending time in the calm of a decluttered room.

As we enjoy the hues of autumn and prepare our pumpkins, now is an ideal time to pause and reflect on your year so far, and ensure you are looking after you. By thinking over what you have learned, you can take stock of what is working and what isn't for you in your life, pivoting for a last push to year end if needed.

Take some time to nurture your body and mind, to ensure you are prepared and rejuvenated for the opportunities ahead. 

If you need something extra, feel free to reach out at [email protected]

Always with love,

Elsa x

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