35 - How To Stay Motivated When Life Gets Tough
Dec 08, 2024We've all been there - facing times when everything seems overwhelming or tackling tasks that feel like climbing a mountain. So, how do you keep going when the going gets tough?
This year has involved a lot of change for me including a new role in my corporate job and launching my coaching business (including weekly blog!). There have been times when my "must do" list has been so long it was hard to know where to start, but I did my best to keep moving forward - and with a smile on my face.
Today I share some practical ways that you can use to stay motivated and keep moving forward with passion and positivity.
Reflect on Your "Why"
First things first, why are you doing this? Understanding your bigger picture can serve as a powerful motivator. Is it to achieve a personal goal, help your family, or make a difference in the world?
This is so powerful, when you have big dreams that motivate you it is easy to draw on the energy and excitement that these create to get you through a tough time. I often share about how I wish to achieve financial independence, to provide security for myself and my family so I never have to worry about losing my job or not having enough. This is my big goal, and when things get challenging I often bring myself back to this.
For you it may be something different, have your big life dreams written down along with the reasons why. Or better yet, create a vision board that gets you excited. Whenever you're in a slump, revisit this for that boost in motivation to get you through.
Break It Down
Big tasks can seem daunting. The trick? Break them into smaller, manageable steps. Instead of saying, "I need to finish this huge project," focus on, "Today, I’ll complete the first section."
In building my online course, I started with building the content, then recording, then editing, breaking it down into phases. I do this with each big goal, so I break them all down and suddenly they start feeling achievable.
Create a checklist, get clear on what is urgent and what is important, and tick off each task as you go. Celebrating these small wins can provide a much-needed motivation boost.
Set a Routine
Routines might sound boring, but they are incredibly effective. When you have a set schedule, you’re less likely to procrastinate. There is a known phenomenon called decision fatigue, when your brain can only make so many "good" decisions in a day before it gets exhausted. Think about how you can help it by removing unnecessary decisions such as what to wear and what to eat, where to go or who to see by planning a routine that works for you.
Starting my new corporate job has been super intense on my brain, having my routine has helped me so much - and whilst bed at 8.30pm some (most) nights may not seem cool, I don't care. I have got through the first 5 months of a new job which have been really difficult at times with business travel, children, completing an investment property renovation, weekly blogs, launching my Career Clarity course and also making a difference in the Inclusion space to become an award winner. Routine for me has been key to achieving the big life stuff I set out to, and a few unexpected extras this year.
Find your routine, over time this consistency will help build momentum and before you know it you will be through this challenging part of your life ready for a slower winter season for reflection.
Reward Yourself
Don't forget to reward yourself! Give yourself little treats for accomplishing tasks, whether it's enjoying a cup of your favourite coffee or taking a short walk. These small rewards can make a big difference in maintaining motivation.
I am a huge fan of having big treats too! But, planning them well in advance. Have you achieved that big milestone this year? Treat yourself to that spa day or holiday that you set out at the start of the year.
Stay Positive
It's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts, especially when things are challenging. Practice positive self-talk. Remind yourself of past successes and that you have the skills to overcome the current obstacles.
Sometimes, a simple, "I’ve got this!" can make all the difference. I have it written in the front of my journal and small reminders all around me so when I need a little pep I don’t need to look far.
Seek Support
Remember, you’re not alone. Talk to friends, family, colleagues or a coach who can offer encouragement and advice. Sometimes, just hearing a supportive voice can reignite your motivation.
Joining a community or a group with similar goals can also be incredibly uplifting. It's easier to stay motivated when you know others are rooting for you.
If there is nothing around that suits you - create your own! I have a small group of women who are my accountability pod and I wouldn't be without them. Who do you know that you can connect with to help you achieve your challenging goals? Maybe ask some people from some recent training you have done, you may be surprised at who else is looking for the same thing.
So, I have shared a few of my tactics that keep me motivated through difficult times or challenging tasks, how about you? What would you add to the list?
Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is a step closer to your goal and your dream life. You've got this!
Drop me a message anytime at [email protected], I am here to help if you are looking for some extra support, to get you over that slump, or to achieve your next big thing.
Always with love,
Elsa x
Book a free discovery call with Elsa today, and begin your journey to transform you life.Ā
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