37 - ⏰How Did Your Annual Performance Review Go?
Dec 22, 2024Before the year comes to a close, it's the perfect time to ask yourself: How did your year-end performance review go? Whether you took personal time to reflect or had a formal meeting with your boss, stopping to evaluate the year gone will help you to set a solid foundation for the year to come.
So, what went well? What could you have done differently? And most importantly, what's your plan moving forward? Did you make the impact you intend to - or, more importantly, the impact your business needed. Take time to consider both what you achieved and the way you showed up. It's not just about what you did, but how you did it.
Feedback from others, though it can be uncomfortable, is invaluable as it provides insight into how you're perceived. If you're conducting self-reflection, think about who you can approach for feedback. If you had a formal review, fantastic, but also consider asking for feedback from peers or colleagues you've worked closely with.
If things went well, congratulations! Looking forward, how can you help more people to achieve the same, allowing them to learn from you? Are you the kind of teammate or leader who achieves greatness and stops there? Or do you pass on your knowledge, coaching and supporting others to make an even bigger impact in business and the world.
If things didn't go as planned, it's vital to understand this more. What was it specifically that didn’t go well, lack of delivery, behaviours or both? Were you truly engaged in your work, or were you simply idling by, possibly stuck in a job that doesn't ignite your passion? Did you fulfill your role sufficiently, but perhaps in a way that negatively impacted those around you?
To help, I have written a few reflective questions below. I can’t stress enough how important it is to ask for other peoples feedback! You may be missing something without their feedback if you truly want future success.
Reflective Questions:
Did you achieve what you set out to this year?
What were your highlights of the year?
What, in reflection, could you have done differently or better?
In what ways could you better support your team or colleagues?
What areas do you need to develop further?
How do others perceive your contributions and presence in the workplace?
Be proud of getting this far as I know how uncomfortable it can be. Next week, we’ll take what we’ve learned and start building a plan for the new year to make it your best year yet.
If you have any questions or need some support then reach out at [email protected].
Thank you for your ongoing support, I love what I do and so should you. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a strategic 2025 so you can achieve your dream life through a career you love.
Always with love,
Elsa x
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