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4 - Hi, I am Elsa and I am far from perfect.

development where to start Apr 28, 2024
Rocket to the Moon

I have had so much support over the past week as I have officially launched my new website and blog - thank you!

But I also had some unexpected feedback… “she’s too perfect”. 

I am far from perfect! In fact, I missed my daughter's class assembly this week as I left too late and got stuck in traffic. I get frustrated and shout at my kids, I am late to meetings at work sometimes, and I am the worst at responding to text messages to my loved ones.

What I am, is passionate. Passionate about creating my best life which includes being financially independent so I can decide what I do and when. I am passionate about helping others to create their best life too. 

In the past 4 years I have been divorced, quit my job, moved counties twice (with my young children) and lost my brother. 

The past few years have been a bit of a roller coaster of emotions and I have done a lot of self reflection to figure out what is important to me and from that created a plan to get more of it. You can too. 

I have been where you are, I have been in really low places, I have wondered many, many times "Is it all worth it?". Sometimes we need help to get to new ways of thinking. To stop spiralling into depths of despair and doom, loss and lack. 

If you had a choice of flying 20 kites in your back garden or sending one rocket to the Moon, what would you choose?  If you had the blueprint, the plan, the strategy to get your rocket to the moon you would feel in control, empowered to take action and forge positive change in your life. No more spiralling. 

And believe me when I say that if you decide half way through your plan that you wanted to fly to Mars instead, then that is absolutely OK too. We revise the plan and adjust course appropriately.  

The steps are often simple, but when you are in the noise of your own day-to-day life, it is sometimes hard to remember what your life purpose is or what your dreams are, let alone go out and achieve them. Not only that, but we also sprinkle a layer of severe self-doubt in the mix too. 

That is why I love helping people to create a life strategy. I am by their side as they dig deep to audit their life, break down limiting beliefs about what is possible, and take action to build their dream life. It is not always easy at the start, change never is. But take my word for it, the reward waiting for you is so worth it. 

Where to start? Take a look at my resources page and download the Wheel of Life worksheet. Invest in a beautiful journal and start dedicating at least 20 minutes of time to  journaling each day. “When will I find the time?!” I hear you say… Get up 20 minutes earlier, on your lunch break, make it the last thing you do before you go to bed. Stop scrolling, switch off the TV and find the time. It is precious, relaxing, medetative, and healing to write down your thoughts. 

And to help, I have created a list of 50 questions to ask yourself. Choose one a day and let your mind and pen wander in your journal. Get personal, and if you find a question really resonates with you, or you get stuck with it, then keep asking it again and again until you get clarity. 

When I started my self healing journey, I thought I wanted “success” whereas when I really got honest with myself, I wanted time. The one thing you can not get back, or purchase. losing my brother, my best friend so young only emphasised that. So my life plan, my life strategy, is built around working really hard now (strategically), to get control over my precious time in the future. 

Give yourself precious time to think about YOU. You only have one life, you deserve to make it your best one. If you feel stuck, then getting someone to help you out of your current situation, and into one where you have life purpose, clarity and are empowered to create change, is an investment worth making. 

If in 12 months time your life looked exactly the same as it does today how would you feel? Alternatively, if you took one small step today such as doing the Wheel of Life exercise, or starting to journal, imagine how much progress you can make in 12 months. 

I will always be here to support and encourage you. I am far from perfect but having a life strategy helps me get over the bumps (such as missing a class assembly) and allows me to move forward in my chosen direction.

You’ve got this. 

Always with love, 

Elsa x


Book a free discovery call with Elsa today, and begin your journey to transform you life.Ā 

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