3 - One thing that will always pay dividends, investing in yourself.
Apr 21, 2024The universe is a magical thing, if only we open our minds, ears, and eyes to it!
In early 2022 I was listening to a podcast by Motivational Life Coach Rob Dial who in that moment spoke directly to me. He said “if you are stuck, there is one thing you can do that will never be taken from you - invest in yourself. Do some training, learn a skill, and this can never be taken from you” and that is what I did.
By this point I had made some big changes in my life, and was struggling with the “what next”? I knew what I didn’t want, now was the time to figure out what I did want, but where to start?!
I decided to invest in some business and entrepreneur training that I had my eye on for some time and I am glad I did as it absolutely transformed my way of thinking and therefore life. “If only I knew of this 10 years ago”! None the less, I was giddy and excited with what I could apply these simple yet highly effective blueprints too. From how to build world class systems, sort your personal and business finances out, to how to understand and build a highly motivated team and reward them. How to start, systemise and scale a profitable business.
Having experience as a Managing Director of an organisation, I know and love the dynamics of running a business. The variety, responsibility, and most of all the possibility. Having a love for strategy and strategic thinking, I enjoy nothing more than setting objectives, developing plans to achieve them, and watching them come to fruition with hard work and a clear vision.
So, after reading a lot of books about the purpose of life after losing my brother in 2022, and getting clear on the things I do like, don’t like, what I am good at, what the world needs and what I could get paid for, I came to the conclusion that I love helping people. In particular I love seeing and helping women in male dominated industries thrive. And then came the spark that led me to be here with you right now.
I have since invested in more training to be a life coach, done hundreds of hours of research, learning, and coaching, found my niche and am in my flow every time I help someone to transform their life.
If you are not able to invest in training due to costs, there are other approaches you can take such as listening to podcasts and reading books. If you are interested in something, you will make the time. For me, my running has reduced a lot at the moment which is absolutely OK, and I don't watch TV or scroll on social media.
Another approach comes from a fellow business leader, who said “if you are unsure of what you want to do, just dip a toe in to something you are interested in before you go all in”. Sound advice. If you want to make a change in your career or profession, or try something new, why not try volunteering? Invest some of your time into figuring it out, and the best way to do that is to try.
I have been curious to learn more about the charity sector, and having a passion for helping people thrive, decided that a great way to ‘dip my toe in’ whilst supporting a charity that is close to my heart, I decided to become a trustee. Not only am I able to learn, but I am able to give my unique and independent perspective, use my knowledge of strategy and people management to help them be the best they can be. I absolutely love it, and the reward personally is huge.
Most people and organisations would welcome a curious mind or extra pair of hands, and many are happy to help in other peoples success. If you get a “no”, keep trying until you find someone who says “yes” and be prepared to get turned down a lot but persevere and you will succeed.
When was the last time you invested in yourself? If this is something that you would like to explore, get in touch with me today by clicking below.
You deserve it, and you never know it may pay off in dividends.
With love,
Elsa x
Book a free discovery call with Elsa today, and begin your journey to transform you life.Ā
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