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7 - Why I became a life coach

strategy May 19, 2024

I am always curious to know if people have a coach. I currently have two, one of which is a TedX speaking coach and the value she brings me is amazing. 

When speaking with her this week, we talked about authenticity and finding your ‘true story’ when delivering any presentation. We also talked about how people need to be ready and willing to change before they look for solutions, including finding a life coach. 

She then asked me a question. “What triggered you to be ready to make a change in your life?”

This is where it got personal. Why did I want to become a life coach? Why do I want to help people to get unstuck and live a life of purpose, fulfilment and whatever ‘success’ looks like to them?

In 2022 I lost my brother, he was my best friend. He was an amazing and kind human being but he had his own challenges and struggled with bipolar throughout most of his adult life until suddenly, out of the blue it got the better of him.

Chris had so many ideas, he was passionate about lots of things, he cared about a lot of things too. He always had a dozen business ideas and was always coming up with new designs for boats which was his passion. 

Funnily enough, my coach at the start of our session had referenced the TedX talk by Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choiceIn Schwartz' view, choice has made us paralysed, not happier but more dissatisfied.

Chris was so paralysed with choice that he struggled to make progress with any. He didn’t have somebody such as a life coach to help get him unstuck, to help get all of those ideas and things out of his head and put them in an order, and help guide him as he started working on them one at a time.

When I lost Chris, it was my turning point. It fundamentally made me realise that life is too short and that I had better make it my best, most enjoyable and fulfilling one. This meant making some changes, and overcoming some fears too.

Nobody should remain stuck, sometimes people just need a little bit of help to get all of those thoughts, their ideas out of their head and into a logical plan or what I call a Life Strategy. It is very easy to move towards something when you have clarity about the thing that you are moving towards. If you have too many choices then it becomes very difficult to remain engaged, to make progress, and to keep going especially on the days we feel our lowest. 

Chris is the reason why I want to help as many people as possible. To help them get unstuck, and to get the clarity that I’m fortunate enough to have today. I have my Life strategy with clearly defined KPI’s (key performance indicators) for my personal life and my professional life.  

I totally appreciate that it (and I) am not for everyone, but there are some people who would love the structure and clarity that this (and I) can give. Perhaps this is you?

It was reaffirmed this week for me when I had two meetings with clients (one new, one existing), both of whom are very successful, well qualified and experienced, but both feeling stuck in what they want to do in life.

They have not yet found their life’s purpose or fulfilment, and the the Three Step System will absolutely help them get the clarity they need.  And if they are not ready for 1:1 coaching, I am certain they will join one of my upcoming workshops or even my course that will be released later this year. Perhaps even watch me on the TedX stage one day!

Everyone can find clarity and build their dream life, and if you would like a little help then reach out today at [email protected] 

Always with love,

Elsa x

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