My Story
I woke up one morning asking myself, “How did I get here in life?”.
Don’t get me wrong, my life wasn’t bad. I had two beautiful children, a husband, a nice house, and a job that I enjoyed and was good at, but areas of my life were breaking me down day by day. When I realised that I was with someone I no longer wanted to be with, working for people with different values to my own, and in debt despite a high-paying job, I realised I needed to make some significant changes.
But from the outside looking in, my life was “perfect”!
I realised that despite making good choices in life individually, I ended up quite far away from what I had always wished and dreamed my life would be. A bit like a rudderless boat.Â
So, I did what I do best and planned. This led me to create a strategy to get me from where I was to where I wanted to be. I did my research, started to take action and invested in some high quality training that aligned perfectly to me.
Using what I have learned along with some tools and techniques I have used in business for over a decade, I made the changes needed and now live my life, my way, with absolute joy. I took back control of my life and now live in a beautiful home, with my soul mate. I have financial security and absolute clarity about where I am going, in my career, in my life, and so importantly to me, I have a plan to reach financial independence.
I am super excited to share that I have now turned my transformation into an easy-to-follow system that other passionate people can use to unlock their potential, build their dream, and start enjoying life like never before.
Elsa x
p.s. If you are interested in my career, from Aircraft engineer in the British Army, Managing Director of a multi-million pound organisation, and now Rolls-Royce Aerospace Vice President, check out my LinkedIn profile here.
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Elsa Hogan
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